Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kronostep Super Natural Laminate Flooring

The first thing we ever paid for our crib is the flooring.

At first, I did not believe in laminates. Working in several high-end condo showflats, I grew to appreciate timber flooring. Wood laminate flooring, in my opinion, is a poor imitation of real wood flooring. It just doesn't have the right texture, feel, color or quality.

That is until, we walked into a Oriqin Floors sales booth during one of the ubiquitous home furnishing exhibition at Changi Expo. The Kronostep Super Natural range of floor laminates caught our eyes. Each laminate plank has grooves that follows the run of the grain, thereby giving it a genuine texture and feel.  We were impressed.

Steven, the Oriqin sales rep, then demonstrated the durability and rugged quality of the product by subjecting a piece of the laminate plank to torture. When the plank survived unscathed after being hit repeatedly by a high heel, after being set fire upon and after being cut by a pen knife, we were sold.

Today, we went to the Oriqin sales office to get samples for ID planning. After seeing the different available colors of the Super Natural range, we are now indecisive as to what our floor coloring should be. Kudos to Steven for allowing us to bring the samples home (including entire laminated planks!) for our slow consideration. So please help us decide on the next post.

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